Discover the Pension Credit Card
Every formal worker in Brazil has already been concerned with the issue of social security, retirement and their entire future as an employee, right?
These are actually issues that really deserve our attention, not least because our financial future depends on it.
But in addition to the future, we must be concerned with our present, the money we are entitled to to obtain a better quality of life, even if this only means a small change.
For this, you can get your pension now, but of course only part of it. For this you can count on the help of a card. Do you want to know more about it? Well then keep reading.
Social Security - What is it and how does it work?
Before we can provide more detailed information about the pension card, it is interesting that we make it clear what exactly it is about.
As we have previously made clear, it is something aimed mainly at its future.
A clear future for the formal worker, who, in turn, is a regular contributor to the INSS and other agencies today.
Pensions, in a nutshell, is something that was mainly aimed at providing more stability.
That is, it is formed through the accumulation of money today, so that in the future, that is, when you are retired, you will be safe.
This financial security is something extremely important, in view of all the current economic situation.
The pension in question, in addition to being aimed at the moment you retire, can also be useful for when you lose the ability to work, or else, for the realization of a life project.
It is important to make it clear that it is the public system that provides this financial guarantee to you.
Reinforcing what we just said, all formal workers are entitled to such future guarantee.
For this, by the way, it is not necessary to do anything, because, as soon as you have a formal contract, you are inserted into the INSS.
Acronym that, in turn, refers to the National Institute of Social Security.
In addition to social security, it is also responsible for ensuring other benefits.
Benefits which, in turn, are diverse, such as: sickness allowance, maternity pay and death pension.
It is interesting to make it clear that public insurance, which is social security, is included in the acronym RGPS.
Its letters, in turn, refer to the General Social Security System.
Social Security Card
The pension card is actually a less complicated way for you to have access to your benefit provided by the National Institute of Social Security.
Through it, you can make withdrawals at different ATMs, for greater convenience.
So that you can get the same, it is not necessary to make a lot of effort.
In fact, you simply have to access “My INSS”, which, as already mentioned, must be done through the internet.
Afterwards, you will have to register.
The same is actually brief, as only basic information about you and your social security will be requested.
When it's done, you'll have formed a login, with password and everything.
Once you are able to access the platform, you should immediately go to the “Agendamento/Requests” option.
The next step is for you to click on a button again, but this time it must be identified by “Update for Benefit Maintenance and other Services”.
Then, you will need to click on “Transfer Benefit to Current Account”.
From there, the insured must send the necessary documents.
Ready! So you will already have the money you are entitled to in your account, ready to be withdrawn through your card.
Card which in turn is magnetic.